Acceso a inversionistas

Land Eligibility Process: Key Phases

At InverBosques, we adhere to a rigorous land eligibility process that ensures compliance with high legal, environmental, technical and financial standards for each property. The eligibility criteria also ensure that Carbon Projects meet the requirements set under the Standards.

Legal Verification: Ensuring the Legal Basis

The first requirement is to make sure that the land complies with the proper legal conditions and has its documentation in order.

This includes verifying that it is not unoccupied, that it has a valid Certificate of Freedom and Tradition and a properly registered Public Deed. In addition, we obtain the necessary authorizations from the National Land Agency and ensure that there are no legal conflicts, such as land restitution or any on-going processes for the incorporation of Indigenous Resguardos.

Initial investigation: Gathering key data

We conduct an initial investigation in parallel to the legal verification to gather key land information, addressing legal, environmental and social considerations. We use advanced technology to identify borderlines and areas of environmental constraints. This preliminary analysis allows us to detect any potential difficulties that could lead us to exclude the incorporation of the land into the project.

Preliminary field assessment: Adjusting the strategy

After collecting the initial information, we conduct a preliminary field assessment that involves soil surveys and photogrammetric surveys. This helps us to adjust the area available for the plantation and confirm that the land meets the requirements for optimum growth. We also evaluate road infrastructure and connectivity with other farms to guarantee that the properties are not isolated, thus maximizing operational efficiency.

Environmental Assessment: Protecting Biodiversity

Environmental assessment is fundamental to our land eligibility process. We carefully analyze the potential impact on local biodiversity, including gallery forests, water bodies and retreat areas, to minimize damage and enhance the preservation of sensitive ecosystems. In addition, we collaborate closely with environmental authorities and other entities to ensure compliance with all national and local regulations, including protected areas.

Technical assessment: Ensuring viability

After we have completed the legal and environmental assessments, we focus on the technical assessment of the land. The technical assessment evaluates the topography, soil type and climatic conditions to guarantee that the land is suitable for long-term growth.

Final validation

Finally, we gather all the data compiled in the previous stages to perform a final validation. In this phase, we integrate and organize the information obtained, making sure it is both complete and accurate, to ensure that it meets the established eligibility criteria. This final validation ensures that land eligibility decisions are grounded in reliable and well-founded data.