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Our Forestry Nursery: innovation, growth and sustainable commitment.

At the heart of our project, the Forestry Nursery located in the Orinoco region, stands out as the largest in Colombia, setting notable milestones in production and sustainability. Over the past few months, we have driven significant improvements, supported by outstanding numbers and new acquisitions.

Investments and acquisitions:

We have consolidated our presence in 10 hectares, marking our commitment to sustainable development of forestry, native and other fruit species. This expansion has allowed us to increase our capacity to 19 million seedlings with more than 160,000 mother plants. At the same time, our commitment to innovative infrastructure has been evident with the strategic installation of clonal mini-garden roofs and the introduction of stoves, revolutionizing growth conditions and optimizing the quality and development of our plants.

In addition, we are proud to highlight our international collaboration with experts from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. Our global approach is complemented by the implementation of various strategies, from the automation of the rooting houses to the adoption of solar energy with 96 panels.

Sustainable Production:

The diversification of species in the nursery demonstrates an active commitment to the conservation of biodiversity. By producing native trees and endangered species, we contribute to the preservation of native flora and enhance our nursery. This translates into building a more robust and balanced forest environment for future generations.

Continuous commitment

In our nursery, we have a solid human team, which is currently composed of 221 collaborators, whose workforce represents a determined commitment to gender equity. This diversity is reflected in the active participation of 88 women and 133 men. This inclusive perspective not only strengthens our labor community, but also promotes a complete and equitable perspective in management and production.

Simultaneously, we carry out a permanent evaluation of electrical conductivity, pH and nutrition. This monitoring ensures that the plants receive the precise nutritional formula, thus contributing to their healthy growth. The meticulous attention to all of these factors are essential to sustain the health and vitality of our plants, ensuring that each stage of their development is carried out to the highest quality standards.

Strategic Innovation:

The recent strategic hiring of Alexandre Gomes Ferraz, Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding, as Director of the Nursery, Research and Development department, reflects a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in our forest nursery.

Ferraz’s experience and knowledge from the Federal University of Viçosa in Brazil bring new perspectives and essential tools to optimize production processes, adopt innovative practices and keep us at the forefront of silviculture. Their incorporation strengthens our position in the constant search for excellence and reinforces our commitment to achieve the highest standards of quality and efficiency in the operation of our nursery.

Our forestry nursery is not only a production engine, but also a benchmark for best practices and a testimony to our company’s commitment to the positive impact that innovation brings.