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Our impact on the soil and its biodiversity

The unique biodiversity of Vichada stimulates the need to enhance the understanding of the genetic complexity of its ecosystems. As part of an initiative aimed at investigating the contribution and dynamics of biological diversity, we have elaborated a study that focuses on identifying the variety of life forms associated with soils subjected to different types of cover. In addition, it analyzes the possible impact of planted forests on soil biodiversity, especially in savannas that have historically suffered from degradation processes.

InverBosques, in alliance with Nature Metrics, has conducted a research study on soil DNA that provides us with fundamental knowledge for the efficient management and conservation of the invaluable biological diversity present in the region. This study enables the identification of hidden soil biodiversity, the detection of new and unknown species, the analysis of the specific functions of these ecosystems, and valuable information for the conservation and sustainable management of soils in the area.

A single gram of soil can host hundreds of species of bacteria, fungi and microscopic animals. This little-known world of biodiversity plays a critical role in the support of healthy ecosystems, ranging from forests to farmland.

To conduct the baseline study, a total of 50 soil samples were collected from a variety of habitats within our project’s area of influence. These samples represented a wide range of environments, providing a meaningful representation of the diversity of soils found in the region.

The development of the investigation begins with an identification process that uses Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), which are essential for grouping DNA sequences that share similarities in their genetic composition. In the analysis of the 50 samples processed, a total of 952 OTUs were identified, of which 646 correspond to fungi and 306 to invertebrates.  From this set, we proceeded to determine the different taxonomic categories, such as Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.

Soil types:

  • Zones with degraded High Savanna without intervention (Baseline)
  • Conservation areas (natural forests)
  • Areas with degraded high savanna with Eucalyptus and Acacia plantations (Years of planting from 2007 to 2015)
  • Areas with Eucalyptus Clone plantations
  • Areas with Petroferric Gravel


  • 50 samples
  • 952 OTUs – Operational Taxonomic Units
  • 42 families – Among fungi and invertebrates
  • 52 genera – Among fungi and invertebrates
  • 72 species – 17 invertebrates – 55 fungi

The results of this survey revealed a notable increase in the number of individuals found in the areas with plantations, especially those with young Eucalyptus clones, with a maximum age of 4 years at the time of the monitoring. This increase is considerable in comparison with the areas of high savanna without intervention (considered as baseline).  Hypothetically, it is estimated that this increase could be attributed to the accelerated generation of organic material in the soil, which is a positive condition that contributes to nutrient cycling and maintenance of soil fertility.

Finally, it is important to highlight that we will carry out periodic monitoring in order to collect data that will provide us with adequate documentation to analyze and evaluate the behavior of biodiversity.