Acceso a inversionistas

The positive impact of planting native species in degraded ecosystems

Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems are a priority in the global environmental agenda. In this context, the planting of native species emerges as a fundamental approach to reverse the damage caused by deforestation and other human actions.

Conservation and recovery

Since the beginning of our project, we have been engaged in the recovery of degraded savannas and the protection of successional forest.

This year, we will make significant progress with the planting of:

  • 1,500 hectares of native species in savanna areas
  • 300 hectares designated to the enrichment of forest plantations that are older than 10 years.

It is noteworthy that our plantations with native species are being conducted using seeds harvested in the same region, thus guaranteeing optimal adaptation to the local environment. This practice not only promotes genetic diversity, but also ensures that the species planted are perfectly adapted to the specific growing conditions of the area. In addition, this approach promotes the participation of the local community in seed collection and production, generating employment opportunities and strengthening the bonds between the forestry project and the surrounding communities. In this way, planting native species encourages local economic development and improves the quality of life of the people who depend on these ecosystems.

Through a comprehensive approach, we have designed an afforestation process consisting of three inter-related stages. The first stage, the initial planting, involves the introduction of species such as eucalyptus and various native plants, aimed at protecting and restoring more than 50% of the area of each property.

In the second enrichment stage, we strengthen the established plantations by introducing further native species. This approach increases the variety of flora and fauna present in the area, and improves the adaptability and resilience of the ecosystem to future environmental challenges.

Once established, our plantations enter a process of natural succession, where, after a few years, give place to the regeneration of native forests. This succession process is fundamental to restore the structure and functionality of local ecosystems, allowing biodiversity to flourish and eco-systemic services to be reestablished.

Planting native species not only restores degraded areas, but also strengthens the adaptability and resilience of ecosystems, contributing to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and the protection of water resources. Their integration into forestry projects requires careful selection, detailed planning and continuous monitoring to ensure long-term stability and success.