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The truth behind the myths about climate change

Although climate change is supported by the scientific community, some misconceptions persist that may contribute to some people’s lack of awareness of this problematic issue. 

Discover the reality behind the following myths backed by facts, figures and statistics that demystify these beliefs:

Myth: “Climate change is not happening.”

Fact: This is a common misunderstanding. Scientific evidence supports the existence of climate change, with significant consensus among scientists worldwide. Data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) show that the Earth’s average temperature has increased by about 1°C since the late 1800s.

Human activities, such as fossil fuel activities, have contributed to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and global warming.

Myth: “The climate has always changed; this is just another natural cycle.”

Fact: Although the Earth has experienced climate change throughout its history, the current rate of change is exceptionally rapid and correlates with human activities.

A study of 700 climate records has shown that the only time the climate has changed at the same time and in the same direction worldwide over the past 2,000 years has been in the last 150 years, when more than 98% of the planet’s surface has experienced a temperature increase.

Myth: “CO2 emissions are not a significant problem”.

Fact: Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases are directly linked to global warming. In 2020, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere exceeded allowable amounts.

Myth: “Climate change is only about global warming”.

Fact: In addition to rising temperatures, climate change also manifests itself in extreme weather events, as well as changing precipitation patterns and rising sea levels.

What is most disturbing about this rise is its abrupt change: from 1993 to 2014, sea level rise remained stable, but has nearly doubled since then. Although it may not seem like that much, this difference means that ten million more people could face flooding. 

The urgency of addressing this challenge cannot be ignored; it is essential to prioritize the reduction of emissions and the development of conservation and afforestation projects. Only through collective commitment and concrete action we can forge a sustainable future and preserve the health of our planet for the generations to come.

The responsibility falls on each of us to be agents of change and stewards of the Earth we all call our home.